Geeks Rule The World!

They say one can find inspiration anywhere. Well, I happened to chance on inspiration in the form of a song I heard while watching an advertisement on Youtube.
It is by and I am (see what I did there) definitely loving it. What can I say? Something about the song makes me proud to be an unconventional geek and with all the pressures of the world to uphold a certain image, it is easy to forget that people have multiple personalities. You can be a jock and a geek. You can be a cheerleader and a geek. You can be a gangster and a geek and nobody can tell you different because they aren't you.

I love cars, anime and dancing, but you would not know that by just looking at me. That is because I follow my own rules. Rules that I have formed by watching others. Rules that suit me and only me. Society cannot control me. They can't control you or force you through media and rhetoric to be what they want you to be. You find your own way. You walk your own path and no matter the consequences you face along the way, you smile. Because you are you and your decisions are yours alone to bear. No one can take that from you. So be your own geek and enjoy this wonderful piece of work by Mr. called Geekin'.

By the way, feel free to tell me what geeky things you're into.
