Letter to Rap Enthusiasts

Rap has always been a form of expression. Past rappers have used the art to expose unjust laws, empower the self and even make light of some very, very dark issues like abortion and divorce. However, the advertising of drugs, alcohol and loose women have been the most well-known, celebrated views in our media for the longest time.

When it comes to blaming, there is plenty of blame to go around. We can blame ourselves for giving these songs the time of day. I think I have said it once before. I enjoy music that moves me. Sometimes, it is because of the lyrics. Most of the times, it is because of the background music. That is the reason why I have posted a sizable collection of ambient music on this blog. But if I choose, one day, to only listen to one type of music, others would not gain any traction because they have no influence on what I listen to.

We can blame rappers for agreeing to make these songs. If rappers took a stand and decided to only release meaningful songs to the public that stress on issues plaguing the high-, middle- and lower-class human beings of this world, then all these "booty and drugs" promoting songs might not be so big a thing.

We can blame the promoters who seem to be willing to promote the incendiary, mind-numbing things. If they refused or were slow to promote a lot of these songs, then there is a chance that many of us music-enthusiasts would not know that these songs exist. 

We can even blame the people writing the checks because they do not really give much of an incentive for thoughtful and deep rap songs. 

However, the music industry is just that...an industry. We can only control ourselves and hope that others will follow. If you do not like how the music industry is going, promote the things you want the industry to promote. Give credit to songs/rappers that do relate to you. If you want to, suggest where some songs come up short. You have the power to control yourself so curb your life to fit you. If other people like how you run it, cool. Someday, you might become THE rapper, promoter, fan or CEO who will change the face of music. Until then, do you and enjoy the life you have.

Mort a.k.a Mr. EBG
