Another Spring Break Comes to an End; Let's Wish It Sayonara With Some DubStep....of Nyan Cat (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Firstly, I heard SXSW was cancelled today because of the wet soil. What the hell? At least Friday's performances were awesome, right?
PREVIOUS POST: Next, also added a couple of icons that will direct you guys to the Social Media pages. So you can now go straight to my pages and follow me there.*Sigh* Another Spring Break comes to a slow and gradual end. It will be a pain going back to school. At least memories of the wild parties, uncomfortable sit-downs and surprising meet-ups will help make the adjustment to the school routine a little easier. I guess this Spring Break was pretty fun. I'm still bitter that I missed SXSW. Can anyone fill me in on what has been happening? Did Uncle Snoop share his words of wisdom this year?

In the meantime, let's enjoy this 1-hour dubstep Nyan Cat video. Oh God, I am going to miss all this free time. :(

Remember to show the creator some love by liking his/her video. Also if you guys want to keep in contact with me, you can do one or more of the following things:

1. Follow me on Twitter (@TheWonderingClo)
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4. Of course, continue visiting the site for new updates and posts on all things movies and music.

I'll have all the ways you can contact me listed on the "About The Blog" page. Thanks everyone!

Dubstep Nyan Cat [1 hour]
