"Reflections": A Song With So Many Shifts

Warning: Before proceeding, please note that I did not major in music theory...
so I will struggle with certain terms. Therefore I ask for patience to be exercised by any music majors/graduates reading this post. I will try to explain myself as best as I can.

Upon hearing "Reflections" by Misterwives for the first time, the various changes in tempo enticed me. Except for perhaps dubstep or EDM, many of the songs I hear on the radio and online have at most three major musical shifts (one where the music transitions from a verse to the bridge, another transition from the bridge to the chorus and one more from the chorus back to a verse). However this song seems to contain at least four shifts (some of the shifts occurring within verses), making for a rather pleasant surprise. It is like you are sitting at a table full of different assortments of sweets. Each split second, one of the desserts would hurl itself into your mouth, bombarding your senses with a different flavor. In a nutshell, the experience is absolutely exhilarating.

So I thank Misterwives for successfully introducing me to another kind of musical structure and I especially thank all music majors/graduates who were able to read this post without losing a strand of hair. I would like to avoid from being the cause of any sudden baldness. :)

As a treat, enjoy the music video to "Reflections" by Misterwives and don't forget to show love to the group by liking the video. Until the next post.....
