"History" Takes Me Back to My Childhood Days

This song really touched me.
I have to make this clear for all my friends, visitors and family who may be reading this post. I don't want anyone to take me for a fan of One-Direction. I am not and have never been a One-Directioner. That said, it would be rather tasteless to say that they do not produce good music. Once in a while, the group strays from the conventional, teen heart-throbbing songs and actually produces a  hit that strikes a chord in all of our hearts. This song called "History" is one of those hits.

We all remember those childhood friends who were similar to us in so many ways. You know who they are? They were the kinds of friends who always seemed to know what we were thinking. They were the kinds of friends who knew just what to say to make us feel better. They were the kinds of friends who had our backs through the best and worst of times. They would be the ones who would succeed alongside us in a world of endless opportunities.

Then that little thing called Life happened. When it came, it did so with no warning or invitation. It made certain holes in our friendship difficult to ignore. In the end, a joint venture with these friends became impossible.

Needless to say, the dreams are still there. It's the enthusiasm that has reduced with age. So when I watched the video and saw the clips of these young men at the early stages of their career, it took me back to those days when a shared a dream with someone else.

If you are wondering, this is not a sad or regretful post. The choices I've made have brought me to a different kind of success that some people may never get to see in their lifetime. I've watched people grow to do great things, I've seen old friends become fathers and have been able to share my experiences with some members of the next generation. Just because I was not able to accomplish my goals with my buddies does not mean others cannot. One-Direction did it. So there are people who have succeeded in making their dreams possible with those they love. This post is more of a tribute to those people, as well as the friends who helped me become the man I am today. Without them, I would not be able to say that I shared something with someone. By being able to relate to them, I found the confidence to relate to so many other people. So thank you guys for showing me that I was not alone in my interests.

This post is also an inspiration to those of you who are just starting your journey with your childhood friends. Let no one (that includes me) say that you and your friends cannot be successful. If all of you have the enthusiasm and the dedication to do what is necessary to get to your goals, then there is nothing anyone can do to stop any of you!

In the meantime, click the link, sit back and enjoy "History" by One Direction. Don't forget to like the song on One-Direction's Youtube page and feel free to share this post with your friends.

One Direction - History (Official Video)
