Deadpool Movie Review

This past weekend, I finally had time to myself. How did I spend it?
I went to see Marvel's Deadpool. Granted I wanted to see it on opening day, the wait was worth it. Deadpool is one of those movies where anything can happen. The hero (or villain, depending on how you look at it) does not fit the typical stereotype in many respects. The explanation to how he obtains his powers is not wondrous or fantastic by any stretch of the imagination. It is actually almost as disturbing as the character's sense of humor. This review will not go into too much detail, in order to avoid spoiling the movie for those of you who are going to see it in the near future. Just know that the backstory is pretty messed up and involves inhumane torture. At some point, Wade Wilson (Deadpool's alter ego) is cold and naked in a cage. Wait, what? You read right. Ryan Reynolds who plays Wade Wilson, is in a cage with nothing on but his birthday suit. As a matter of fact, Ryan Reynolds goes butt naked in quite a few scenes. This leads me to why I love this movie.

Outside of Mr. Reynolds absolute commitment to a role that really suits him, this movie fits the bill as an R-rated movie. Many times, I walk into an R-rated movie and come out wondering if Hollywood consists of a bunch of overpaid, stuck-up pansies. I am sure many other people share my skepticism towards R-rated films. Granted that age ratings are mostly subjective, there are way too many movies that seem to be written and directed by immature, pubescent boys. As such, an R-rating does not quite suit the overt immaturity of these kinds of films. Ironically, Deadpool (the character) consistently exhibits the attitude of a sexually frustrated, psychotic preteen walking around with a loaded bazooka. However, the film is far from immature. Deadpool consists of a very complex (yet surprisingly easy to follow) plotline, a mixture of asinine and mature jokes, a good bit of nudity and scenes upon scenes of foul-mouth language and senseless violence. So please do not take your five-year-old son (or any child under the age of 17) to watch this movie. If you are not comfortable with your child seeing female breasts or male genitalia, or you have an issue with your kid seeing the mutilation of fellow human beings, please leave them at home or with a loved one. Honestly, I saw a couple walk into the theater room with their toddler. 20 minutes into the movie, Wade Wilson and his stripper girlfriend are having nude, full-view intercourse. Needless to say, the couple left in a hurry shortly after. Obviously, they knew nothing of the 4th Principle of Nerdism: "not all superheroes are for kids".

So what do I give Deadpool? Not only was it enjoyable to watch, but the plot was complex and filled with surprises. In addition, some aspects of the film were highly unconventional. Deadpool breaks the fourth wall a couple of times and even admits to it at some point. Yet, even with the unconventional practices, I was never confused or offended in any way. So I think the movie deserves a magnificent 9.5/10.

It was not perfect. However, given the movie's budget, it delivered everything it promised with leftovers to spare! I hope 21st Century Fox gives Ryan Reynolds and the Deadpool crew a much larger budget to work with, as well as six more years to produce the sequel. I truly think this is the beginning of another Marvel franchise. Stan Lee must be proud!
