Justin Bieber "Company" Music Video: Where is Company in Fame?

New Music Video by Justin Bieber!
Yesterday, Justin Bieber released a music video on You Tube to his hit song, “Company”. I don’t know why, but I feel lonely when I watch it. The way I see it, the video provides insight to the level of pressure artists, like Mr. Bieber, face daily. Though they gain millions of fans and friends throughout their career, they are constantly expected to maintain their public image and popularity. At least my work ends at 5 p.m. These artists are at work for as long as they are awake. Always in a petri-dish, under the microscopic watch of the public eye. I guess the only thing anyone can do in this position is to grow a tough hide.

I can imagine that the making of this video was an emotional rollercoaster. In any case, here it is. The music video to Justin Bieber’s “Company”. Enjoy!

Justin Bieber - Company

Special thanks to JustinBieberVEVO for sharing this wonderful MV. If you enjoyed the video, go ahead and ‘like’ it on its official You Tube page. Also, don’t forget to leave me a comment. Let me know how you feel about the music video. When you watch it, does it make you sad, happy or indifferent? Until next time….


  1. Bieber through his song shows loneliness. Sad but this has become the norm for artists. My question is...who created this? Artist or community?


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