A Marvel World With No Mutants? Blasphemy!

A Marvel world with no mutants? Blasphemy!

20th Century Fox released a trailer for Logan, the Wolverine spin-off, not too long ago. For some of you who aren’t versed in most things X-Men, let alone Marvel, Wolverine (a.k.a. Logan) is one of Marvel’s most famous characters. He is a mutant with the power of regeneration, retractable claws and a particularly edgy personality and is part of the X-Men. So there is a very brief overview of Wolverine.

From first glance, Logan, looks like this post-apocalyptic future where mutants are either near extinction or in hiding. I would like to assume the latter, otherwise this trailer looks depressing as hell. In my opinion, trailers shouldn’t be so depressing. The movie can be (*cough, *cough, The Witch), just not its trailer.

Anyway, enough chatter. Watch the trailer and tell me what you think? Does this Wolverine spin-off look like it has a chance to succeed in the box office. Please place your answers on the comment box below. If this trailer really tickles your fancy, feel free to go to its official YouTube page and click the like button. Better yet, leave a comment. I don’t care how big a cooperation Fox is, I’m sure they always welcome helpful comments—stress on the helpful. I know I do. Haha!

Logan | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Logan is expected to hit theaters in the U.S on March 3rd 2017. Special thanks to 20th Century Fox for putting up the trailer. I will see all of you later.

