Keke is "Hands Free" [Viewer Discretion Advised!!]

Okay, Keke.

Egyptians and Reggae. What do these things have in common? Obviously, Keke Palmer. This young lady has shown that transitioning from child star to adult singer is quite possible. It just takes a lot of hard work and a little bit of media exposure. For me, Ms. Palmer has done that over the years with her music.  Her newest single, called “Hands Free”, further affirms this belief. With that said, let’s get to it, shall we? Here is “Hands Free” by Keke Palmer. Enjoy!

Keke Palmer - Hands Free

Special thanks to KekePalmerVEVO for sharing this video. Feel free to like the song on its official YouTube page and feel free to leave a comment on this site. Let me know what think about Ms. Palmer’s new image. Do you like it, hate it or feel impartial?
