"Little People" by Marco.R (feat Thierry Deffrenne)

We are all little people.
I feel like the world is made of people who aren't looking for the biggest house or the fanciest cars or the most expensive clothing. They just want to be able to wake up everyday knowing that they can pay the bills when it comes or enjoy life with love ones without the fear of pain or persecution. To them, that's living.

That's how I feel when I hear Marco. R's "Little People". If you feel the same way too, check out the video below.

"Little People" by Marco.R (feat Thierry Deffrenne)

Special thanks to Marco Russo for sharing this wonderful video. Also, big thanks to Thierry Deffrenne. One of the smoothest cats on the sax. Please show you're appreciation to these artists by liking the video on its official You Tube page. Peace!
