Modern Youth Update: Hurricanes, Reviews and So Much More!

Oh man! Crazy couple of weeks, huh?
Seriously, what's up with this weather? Four Atlantic hurricanes, all strong as hell, knocking the islands and mainland U.S.A. So many people are being affected by these freaks of nature. Prayers and blessings to all of those affected, by the way. The whole experience is nothing to joke about. Truth be told, I actually lost my home to one of these suckers. Been offline for a bit, trying to recenter myself. I'm back now!

That said, those of you still struggling but have access to internet connection, stay tuned for some goodies coming your way. I'll be dedicating a whole post to hurricane survivors and will give some of you, who only know hurricanes from the viewpoint of your TV set (or computers), a taste of my post-hurricane experience.

Also, I will share a succulent movie review of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 in the very near future.

I think after I fully situate myself, I'll start addressing some sensitive issues that have kept me up at night. Don't worry. I'm not going to get all emo on you all and I'll try my best to not get political. Emotions and politics, though really good for headlines (and apparently forums), don't really mix. Plus, politics is such a repetitive, little downer. Most points made in political arguments have been made a thousand times before. At some point, talking politics loses its appeal. Also, this is an upbeat site meant to positively inspire people (I mean, I hope it does). But I really need to get some stuff off my chest. So prepare for that.

Until next time!

Your friendly neighborhood blogger,
EBG (Everybody's Guy)

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