Welcome 2018: Brace for Impact!

Happy New Year all MY’ers!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful year, or at least is trying to make the best of the year. To all M.Yers in the United States and on United States territory, happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I have a couple of updates to share. Today, I am releasing my official review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, where I cover what the crew of SWTLJ did well and what I feel they fell short on. So please look out for that.

I will also bring back Normal Music where I give the spotlight to talented artists who have not yet gained the attention I believe they deserve.

Finally, as you all likely know, this site honors all sorts of people from all around the world. Due to some hateful things said about certain immigrants from certain countries by a certain world leader, I will dedicate a post or two honoring the immigrants who have and still are impacting our world, one work at a time. I wanted to kick this event off today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, with a post outlining my thoughts on immigrants and their worth in our global society. However, I still do not think the post best represents my viewpoints, so I’m taking some more time to collect my thoughts. Until then, look forward to that post dropping very soon.

Phew! That’s a lot of goodies coming your way. I look forward to sharing another year with all of you. Let’s kick off the year with a song from a group I still enjoy listening to. It’s called “How to Be a Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds. Enjoy!

Marina and the Diamonds | Part 7: "How To Be A Heartbreaker"

Special thanks to Marina and The Diamonds for sharing their work. Please like the song at its official Youtube page and subscribe to the group's page if you have not already done so. Until next time.....

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